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Beet pulp is used in the dairy and meat cattle cardiorenal syndrom diet.

Especially often this dry product is given to cows to improve the taste and nutritional qualities of milk. About the benefits of this product confirms the fact that about 48% of granulated beet pulp is exported. The nutritional properties of dry beet pulp is quite comparable with corn silage. At the same time, due to the high content of fiber, beet pulp should be given to cows and other animals in combination with probiotics or enzyme preparations.

The composition of beet pulp, GOST of which is observed, contains about 45% cellulose, 50% pectin, 2% protein, 1% sugar and mineral substances. Also in this dry feed for cattle there are vitamins and organic acids.

By nutrition, beet pulp takes an equal place between oats and meadow hay, while dry pulp is much easier for animals to digest. In addition, beet pulp can be used not only in the dry, but also in its natural form (as a rule, it is practiced within a radius of 100 km from the sugar plant). Such a limited area of ​​consumption of fresh feed for cattle is due to the fact that the delivery of fresh pulp to a greater distance becomes economically unprofitable due to the considerable financial and time costs for transportation. 

In 2019, the Aksu sugar plant will sell fresh and pressed pulp.

Sugar beet processing by-products — beet pulp and molasses — are valuable feed additives in animal husbandry.

One of these sources of replenishment of the feed base is beet pulp, which is a chip with a thickness of not more than 2 mm, from which the main amount of sugar is extracted by diffusion. Beet pulp is a valuable high-carbon product. The energy nutritional value of dry matter is not inferior to the grain of cereals.

Fresh pulp is not subject to long-term storage, therefore, for storage and ease of transportation, it is dried and granulated. The dried product contains protein - 7-9%, fiber - 19-23%, nitrogen-free extractives - 55-65, fat - 0.3-0.5%. Compared with fresh, dried pulp has the following advantages: it is more nutritious (7-8 times) than raw, less spoiled during storage, more transportable, especially in granular form, the cost of its transportation, compared to fresh pulp, are reduced more than 5 times. Dried pulp can be introduced into the feed. In combination with other feeds, it can replace up to 20-30% of the diet of pigs, cattle - up to 50% of barley or oats, contributing to an increase in their weight gain or milk yield. In terms of its nutritional value, dried pulp occupies a middle position between oats and good meadow hay (0.85–0.9 fodder units per 1 kg of absolute dry matter). When fed, it is well digested.

Dried pulp is almost equivalent in nutritional value to concentrated feed: 100 kg of pulp contains 85 feed units.

The chemical composition of fresh beet pulp contains (in dry matter) about 45-47% cellulose, up to 50% pectin, 2% protein, 0.6-0.7% sugar and about 1% mineral substances, there are vitamins and organic acids. It is the presence of various useful components in the pulp, which determine its valuable qualities, allow it to be used in various branches of animal husbandry and industry.

Plant products